Day 408 Beltane
This week's TinyTuesday theme, set by Freespiral, is Beltane a Gaelic festival held around 1 May and marking the beginning of Summer.. I can't say that I can see many signs of Summer as warmth is distinctly lacking. Whilst for many this is marked with the lighting of bonfires, I have learned that it is also celebrated with May flowers. This year our hyacinths are a little late so they classify as May flowers in my book!
In other news: today I had my sutures, or rather staples removed. After we got to around staple 20 I understood why I had been advised to take my painkillers before the appointment! On the plus side my adhesive related skin injuries are healing very well and no longer need dressings. My lovely UK sister-in-law works at the hospital and she walked (wheeled) me out where we discussed plans for a coffee or even lunch when we are permitted to eat and drink inside establishments. Something to look forward to.
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