Save Me!
Out and about doing the reverse of the day before: dropping off some bags of clothes accrued over lockdown at the Sally Army. I then dropped the SK off so she could beetle into Boots quickly and pick up the anti-fog aerosol so kindly left by the manager man for us.
I intended to do good works thereafter, having made a lengthy list but was much derailed by an email from the Commodore threatening to throw the toys out the pram once more. After a couple of replies, he decides to "let it be." Hmmmm.
Never a dull moment though. The Beachwatch activist has succeeded in erecting a sign on the harbour beach, as she threatened to do. Be nice to seals - and she proudly shows me it. I receive a missive: she’ll have to move it, the bay’s other green activist demands; it’s unwanted clutter. If only the residents association had a grand wazir at its head to adjudicate. I shall draft a change to the constitution forthwith.
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