Life In Wales

By KarenC

Cute Coots

Alan was back in work today, and I did a bit more sorting in the garage.  Thanks to Nicky's suggestion, I joined 'Nextdoor' which is an App based on your local area, and it's already been very helpful as I've found a couple of plasterers, and this morning I advertised all our packing boxes for free.  By lunch time a guy had messaged me saying he'd like them and could collect them this afternoon.

Our new bird feeders have attracted a variety of birds this morning - a pair of robins, a great tit, a male and female blackbird, a wood pigeon and unfortunately a crow!  We can see the feeders from the conservatory, so I enjoyed watching them while we ate breakfast and lunch in the conservatory.

I heard back from the Zoo this morning about my volunteer application and I have a zoom chat tomorrow, which is exciting.  And this afternoon I went out to do a bit of exploring - I went to check out the local swimming pool which is in Parc Eirias, and then I wandered down to the boating lake where I saw some ducklings.  I'd taken my camera with me, so stopped to take some photos, when a Coot starting attacking the female mallard.  I then spotted these little babies in the reeds at the side of the lake, they were very cute!  I spent quite a while watching as the parents dove under to the water to catch grubs to feed their babies, and a few people stopped to chat, I can't believe how friendly everyone is here, it's really lovely.  I then walked down to the beach and along the promenade to the pier which isn't big, but it's very ornate and is in the process of being restored.

The guy came to collect the boxes at 4pm, so that's freed up a lot of space in the garage, and then the plasterer came round, followed by my Tesco delivery.  Alan finally plumbed the washer in, there's been a delay as he needed his drill to make a bigger hole for the pipes, and he only found his drill yesterday.  

Tonight we received an invitation from Clare, my old school friend that lives in Llandudno, to go round tomorrow evening for a glass of fizz and fish and chips in their garden, so we have our first social date to look forward to!

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