Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


Now recently I've been involved with some witty banter about "Life at the Fire Station!"

Some of my friends believe it's all about sitting about enjoying gourmet meals, heading to the gym for endless workouts and catching up on "lost sleep" on the night shifts.... Now where on earth they would have heard such frivolous rumours is beyond me!!

Nope I can safely say that there is a steady stream of training to prepare for whatever emergency may come our way!!

Today was all about Road Traffic Collisons with particular emphasis on our extrication techniques... ie How to remove a casualty in a safe and secure manner!!

It was a good sesh with lots learnt and as my friends get constantly reminded...

"We don't get paid for what we do, we get paid for what we are prepared to do!!"

Now where is my gym kit!!

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