
By yogajill

Songs for India

For a large part of the day I joined a wonderfully uplifting Kirtan event online organised by Aleisha Leo called ‘Songs for India’. Raising valuable funds for GiveIndia to help people who are suffering from Covid in India. Kirtan artists from around the world came together to chant , send love , peace and healing to the people of India and to others in need.

Kirtan is the yoga of sound. It is one of the oldest sacred music traditions in the world. I love to chant and recite mantras, with others or alone , out loud or silently.
I have a beautiful harmonium that I imported from India a few years ago . I need more confidence and determination to learn play it... Maybe this event will give me the boost I need to start playing it again.

I did manage a walk to the allotment with my friend Julie. Most of the plants in the greenhouse look healthy. We just need some warmer weather so they can be transplanted into their beds .

I chose to photograph a picture of medicine Buddha which is in the bedroom. May all beings be well and free from suffering.

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