Smaller scale...

Much smaller than yesterday’s book shed. Just a box on a wall inviting people to open and see, and then to take a book. Preferably to replace with another but mostly to share the joy of reading.

This was in the small back roads of Shere at lunchtime after the heavy rain had stopped and it was safe to venture out. Often these small back roads have secrets and treasures of their own It was good.

I’ve finished reading Hamnet by Maggie O’ Farrell. A truly totally absorbing story based on Shakespeare’s family at the time of the plague. That’s putting it very briefly. Heart-wrenching in parts and expertly written throughout.

D is trying hard to enjoy a John Grisholm novel. Not a patch on the Simon Kernick one he’s just finished. A medal for perseverance.

We took a walk round the site this evening. Best time of day to be nosy and see inside some amazing lodges!

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