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This morning me and my neighbour friend were joined by another neighbour friend Ann for our walk. We did 4 miles. Our cycle path has been closed off in sections for the last few months and like the rebels that we are we snuck through a little part as it was easier to go that way. 
Both these ladies work in education. Ann ( on the left ) is a primary 1/2 teacher and one of the best teachers that I know. She has such passion for her job, and is such a blessing to the wee one's. Liz works in play therapy and support for children who have additional needs and goes into a few schools throughout the week. She is amazing for those children, and also helps some staff understand them more. Both their jobs have had cuts to them, both are underfunded. Both don't get the supplies that they always need so they provide out of their own pockets. 
I enjoy a Sunday as it's great to have a blether and a walk and a little hour away. 

The Wildlings have had a good day. They are patiently waiting for a ice lolly while I clean the kitchen and catch up on blip. Harp is still the same regarding her toilet issues . Twice in 24 hours. And not much. She has until Tuesday and then I will phone the surgery again. She actually has a appointment tomorrow regarding something else but I'm pretty sure there will be a peadiatric doctor in on the appointment so I will ask them about it . 

Mr R isn't feeling too hot today but he has to do a little work when I get the kitchen cleaned back up. As he will use the dining table to set up his computer. 

The weekend seems to have passed so quickly. Hope it's been a good day for you all. 

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