New book

It was a rush to get everyone ready and out the door this morning. Plus I had to make a batch of soup before I left for playgroup. 

My friend Kathleen, Carson's educational visitor met me there. She watched him play and interacted with him and took a whole load of notes. It was quiet today so he wasn't as wreck it Ralph until she left. She did give me some helpful information but also said that i do so much with him that is so positive. 

Lincoln came home with a new book from school and was very excited about it. I love that he's excited to learn reading. 
. Harp had a lovely time at nursery and Xander at school. 

I have told the Wildlings that if they eat dinner tonight they can have pudding after. It's steak pie for dinner. We have never had it in this house before so I'm hoping it goes down well. The boys have had it once at school. Fingers crossed. 

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