Mothering Sunday
This stoic mother robin has built a nest in the flowering crabapple tree on our front lawn. The lovely blossoms are beginning to fade, the petals blowing in the wind. It was a lovely spring for flowering trees in southern New England after a virtually snowless winter. Soon, the leaves of the tree will be fully out and hide her nest even more. We watched her from an upstairs window when she added the mud inside the nest cavity, pressing it firmly and evenly with her breast. She leaves the nest to hunt for earthworms in the grass of our newly mown lawn below her and bathes in a nearby birdbath. We wish her a successfully brood and wait hopefully and expectantly to see the young birds fledge.
Our lovely mothers who helped us fledge have left us. Their photos grace our table today with a small bouquet of lilac, solomon's seal and poet's narcissus. We wish a Happy Mother's Day to all who mother.
A collage of my mother is in the extra.
All hands relieved to be vaccinated
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