
By Enzotraveldog

Weather man’s in trouble again.

The Silverback’s got it in for the weatherman this week!

Firstly it’s supposed to be winter in two weeks and yesterday it was thirty degrees (C). The Silverback went off to band practice but they couldn’t find the remote for the aircon in the Men’s Shed music room. He was straight in the pool for a dip when he got home....... Mumble, Mumble........The wine and pizza cheered him up a bit.

Secondly, the surf has been ‘too big for Silverbacks’ for about a week. This morning it was supposed to be half the size with a gentle offshore breeze making the waves glassy smooth. The old fella was ‘chomping at the bit’.... (that’s farm talk, I’m half cattle dog you know).

Well, it turns out the weatherman got half of it right. The waves were smaller, but the wind was onshore making it xxxxxx. I tried looking up what he said but it tipped me out of internet explorer!

‘Never mind’ I said, ‘you can walk up the beach with me instead’. Strangely his answer to that question wasn’t Googleable either!

We went anyway.....had a great time.....found a lovely stick!

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