Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A seriously wet afternoon...

...so my millennium bug was the closest I got to the animal world today...
He has been trying to get into my computer since December 1999 - but like the rest of his ilk, he has so far failed to cause the mayhem everyone predicted at the time...

The crossword with the Portinscale Posse went well this morning, then we had a garden visit from Sue & Mike - haven't seen them since before Christmas - and then the rains came...
Gave me the opportunity to sort car insurance, organise a milk delivery holiday, check my online account and do the ironing... I'm feeling a lot better ;) 

CORONA CLASSICSRichard Strauss: Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) from Dolly,  and from me Ivor Gurney: A Gloucestershire Rhapsody

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