Birthday Bonanza!

Wow, what a special birthday I've had! Woken with coffee and toast, cards and gifts...and lots of cries of 'happy birthday'! Then once the kids were in school we headed to The Tree for our team meeting which included Cava and cake. Unfortunately it was insanely windy and the drinks were literally flying out of the cups!!! Ha! We felt like we'd been in a battle by the end of the time together!
We collected the kids and had a picnic lunch at a viewpoint looking over the city. Home for Pass the Parcel and then the main present which was an incredible montage of videos from 38 (my new age!) different people or groups. Such touching words and creativity - poems, songs, messages, memories - so so moving. Also some hilarity - my parents poem was one that had tears of laughter running down my face!
Caña Club tonight - lovely thoughtful gifts and lots of chat and fun. Then back for a Chinese takeaway. A brilliant brilliant day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Thoughtful gifts - the videos (thankyou SO much Danny), and a painting of Sa Penya that a friend had commissioned for me!
2) All the special people in my life from so many walks of life. 
3) The kids enthusiasm for my birthday - Nate's teachers came out telling me he'd been excited all day! 

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