2021 family photo

A gentle morning to ease me out of birthday chilled-ness! Coffee with Danny at a new French cafe in San Antonio. We were hoping to combine it with bank stuff but the queue was out of the door, so we'll do that another day. We did a couple of jobs around town then grabbed the kids from school. Lovely to go wave at Sole. We don't whistle or hoot the horn anymore, Nate just does loud 'mwahs' and she hears that and comes to her window!
Nate and I videocalled with my folks whilst Asha was at tennis...it was my way of helping him not feel too bad about being deserted! He also made one of his friends a pretty bracelet as it's her birthday tomorrow. He's a good gift giver that boy.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Coffee with Danny.
2) Time to chat with Mom and Dad.
3) Asha continuing to enjoy her tennis classes. 

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