
By Grammy

Siberian Iris

Sunny but cool today. For me, it was a lazy inside day with a side of tutoring and taxi service thrown in. Sky came early for some biology assistance. Parker came after school so we could review his Religion test again. He had golf camp but he will be back later to finish the work. In between, I took Sky and Mack to the orthodontist. Hubby spent a good part of his day helping my son who is tidying his home for company. He likes everything to look pristine so they tackled a few woodworking projects that fell off the radar. We ended the day with my sister, BIL and my hubby taking my mother and cousin out for fried chicken dinners to continue our Mother’s Day celebration. These iris are very pretty, but boy do they multiply rapidly. It would be easy to get frustrated when the kids constantly ask for help. But what a blessing to still have the abilities of our body and mind to provide assistance. Thanks for the visit.

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