Hidden rose

Someone came today and hacked back a huge choisya ternata which has swallowed several roses. The roses emerged;  spindly, etiolated, twiggy but alive!! Roses are incredibly robust if they are established so let’s see if they fill out and fill the space. There was a lot of dead wood in the corner as well so there is room for this mix of plants in the canopy to open out.  It’s a good mix too, lovely pink flowering crab, a native hazel (which are everywhere round here), honeysuckle which I suspect to be wild, two huge old rambling roses and a viburnum in which all the birds hide while waiting to hit the feeders.  We put a clematis in to hopefully scramble up the bare rose stems but something is going to need to be at the back by the wall.  I am thinking of trying to find some battered old statue....for now.  Watch this space.  

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