The decline....

.... of the quality of my Blip photos while Katie is at school continues....

However, I got to speak to the little happy head tonight, first time since Monday. She's doing really well. All of her music this week has been fabulous. Her lessons have been a bit messed up in terms of schedule which unsettles her, but they have gone well. She's back practising her clarinet and enjoying her lessons. She's got a gorgeous new bassoon piece and recently earned 3 stickers in a half hour period.... Though she is quite confused as her teacher is holding out on the actual giving of them.

I discovered today that her dectet are playing in a posh concert after half term. It's her first Wells performance, it's quite a big deal. She didn't consider mentioning it! "oh, yeah I forgot". Thankfully, I see her emails (she has not yet learnt/doesn't have her device enough to regularly check emails and it's assumed she does. I am trying not to tell her when things appear that she needs to deal with but I do give her reminders and keep a quiet eye so I can attempt to know what's going on if I have to pick up a little thing here and there!)

She chattered for maybe 10 minutes, she declared she was getting tired and thought she'd go to bed soon... I said "do you mean you want to go now?"... "yes..." OK, that's fine. She then proceeded to go hyper and hurl herself round the sofa, sent me 20 photos very similar to this before eventually declaring again that she wanted to go now.

I find it reassuring that she feels settled enough that she doesn't need huge time of reassuring...! 

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