The Caravan Shed

It was an early start this morning to get ready for the 30 minute boat ride from Rottnest to Fremantle.  Mauzee and I then had to travel cross country to collect Mini Mo.  I had tracked down a Company called the Caravan Shed who were able to replace the reversing camera for me.  Sadly the original one had failed on the way over and it had made life quite difficult.  Phil was sent to collect us in this amazing Isuzu truck and honestly I was flat out climbing up into the cabin it was so high.  Happy to say the new reversing and rear view screen is spectacular, so problem sorted.
I have added a couple of extras tonight.  One is of the Ospreys sitting on their nest (as promised yesterday) and the other is a special extra for Lady Marchmont who confessed yesterday that she loves Quokkas.  So here's the collage I promised you Lady M.  I hope Archie enjoys them as much as you. :)

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