Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

A major ambition ticked off

Ah, omg, woohoo, woop, sob, ouch and yawn.
What a day. Finally achieved that half marathon I've been wanting to do for years. I've been so determined, its even been on my cv under the 'short term goals to achieve within 5 years'. There were 5 things in this section, this is only the second one ive conquered. Although I've have had a complete career u-turn since then.

Anyway, I digress I've always wanted to do this because I love running and felt it was doable but I always was either pregnant, breast feeding, studying or any other reason meaning it wasnt the right time.

I broke some toes at the beginning of December and was forced into a fairly big training gap. I hated it so much that as they began to heal I decided to commit to putting the legs to good use. A real sense of never knowing what's around the corner.

Sorry, I digress again ;-). After a shitty sick day (again!) yesterday my confidence was low this morning. Gutted, feeling that all my training had been done and I might not finish.

I lined up at the front(ish) of the second wave of starters. J and the kids were there and the signal went. I took about 20 steps only to hear my mummy shout my name as I spotted her further up in the group. I knew I wanted to start slow but my running app was telling me I was starting out with a pb mile. :-s Not the most sensible of starts. The adrenalin was pumping and for some reason this translated into tears as I ran. It took 4 miles for those tears to stop and the reality of what I needed to do to set in. I got to 5 miles and began to feel tired. That fast start taking its toll. Up in front I spotted J and my mum cheering me on from the snow. I knuckled down and took strength from the hoards of people on the streets clapping and spurring us on. Little kids high fiving us as we ran was the perfect medicine.

I ran past the church where we got married and gave a wave and a mouthed 'happy mothers day' to J's mum who's buried in the grounds. (More tears).

I saw my mum and J and the kids with their "keep on gowing" banner about 7 times during those 13.1 miles. What a massive effort from them too, it was freezing! Snow in my mouth and eyes.

The last mile consisted of such a huge hill. You can see for miles from the top. It's a real tourist spot of Milton Keynes for the views. I got to the top and could see the 500 metres to finish sign. The course was quite winding and I couldn't see the finish, my brain was tired and couldn't visualise how far 500 metres was so I just ran and ran and ran. Turned a corner and there it was. The finish. I'd almost made it. The tears began again. Feeling a bit embarrassed and knowing there were lots of people taking photos, I tried to hold it in, suck it down and move my legs. I'm guessing my face was one of torture as once I found my mum she was crying too. :) she was so proud.

My phone battery died after 10 miles so i had no clue on timings but was hoping for under 2:30. Then I heard them say that it was 2 mins to the 2 hrs mark. Absolutely thrilled I'd done it under 2 hours and in total shock I just kept hugging the kids who were still cheering and jumping up and down for me.

The last photo in the series is when we realised my bro and SIL had turned up from st Neots for the finish. Much surprise and more tears! Bloody silly daft me.

Went for a celebratory curry and came home to check the website to find out my official time was 1:52:26. My jaw is still on the floor as this is much faster than my training pace.

So that's it. Ambition ticked off. This morning I was worried that after all this training I wasnt going to be able to go out and give it my best shot. Came home with an achievement under my belt far greater than I'd hoped and I love the fact my lovely family were there with me too.

Sorry for the massive post. More for my benefit than yours.

Thanks for all the support and training advice you've given me. It's helped a lot. :-)

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