Van Life - Day 13 South Uist

I couldn’t make up my mind about my blip for today. Mr C said my Highland coo was too cheesy and though I like the top picture best, and it is on the Grimsay causeway looking towards Gearradubh where we used to stay, it is a bit similar to an earlier watery blip. The bottom right is typical of the scenery here at Loch Sgioport, looking towards Skye in the distance. Therefore it’s a cop-out collage.

Mr C has kept zooming past any craft type shops today. Unbelievable. We did stop at Balivanich where the old RAF base was, to go to the shop for milk etc. It all looks a bit run down.

It didn’t take long to reach our destination at the end of the road at Loch Sgioport. We brought the daughters here 39 years ago. And 20 years before that Mr C did a trek up Hecla, staying at a bothy. We headed out on the track towards the bothy. There were a few signs warning that it was closed. We enjoyed a sunny walk though the wind is still too cold to allow us to sit out.

My foot has held up well but the ankle is a bit sore today. It’s feet up and I’m going to make an effort to get on with the Knitted cotton coat, sadly neglected during this trip.

Thank you all for following my journey and for the hearts and stars. I would encourage you to visit if you haven’t already been.

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