Sunshine then rain

A bit of a slow start then it was time to go. Jumped in the car and the side mirrors instead of opening when I got in the car they closed. Had no time to mess so improvised. Then the sat nav wouldn't work correctly and we got lost in Hemel Hempstead. Luckily I stopped and fiddled and got it going again. We arrived with time to spare. Then I lifted the wheelchair out of the car and realised I could hardly lift it. From then on everything went well and we managed to get Cs ct scan done and we were home rapidly.

When I got home shoulder and my arm were real bad. I was persuaded to ring Oxford hospital which I did and Im going in on Monday.

The builder boys were busy next door making one hell of a racket all day so it was good to get out. Hopefully they got most of the noisy work d one.

Thanks for calling.



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