Window box display

Great news from family today - Kalyn moved the date of her first jag up to tomorrow morning, Krista will get hers on Thursday, and Dan on Friday! WooHoo! Hopefully we'll all get the 2nd soon and we can have a visit. More great news: Kalyn's uni volleyball team has been awarded the President's Academic Team of the Year award! No small feat in this year of online courses. Not only great athletes but great students too, committed to their studies and their sport. Very proud of all those young women!
I loved the riot of colour in the window box. These are similar to a perennial that I planted in a pot last summer, and I can't wait for the flowers to appear again. Crazy weather, heavy rain and wind overnight. I hesitated to open the curtains this morning and expected to see some damage in the garden, but everything is okay. A mix of sun, wind, rain and even some hail today and it's much cooler again. Out came the fleecy jacket!

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