
By MoezaremiA

When Adam came...


This weekend Adam came and with him he brought his camera stuff including his prime lens (I've not used anything other than my kit lens so this was pretty fun to play around with).

So this weekend we've had a pretty full house; Han, Poorna, Isata and me (like normal) as well as Martin (Isata's bf), Nathaniel, Adam (pictured above) and Shruti. Main event of the day was TEDxWarwick which was being held in the arts centre. It was scheduled for 10 - 17.30 so was a pretty long day but the majority of the talks were pretty interesting. Would def go again next year.

The cheesecake that Nathaniel made yesterday was delicious (we shared it with anyone we came into contact with that day)....

Everyone was pretty tired today, so it was an early(ish) night in, skype call with my cousin T which made me happy, then bed :)

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