
By DramaQueen


I finally had treatment for my frozen shoulder today; only 10 months after it originally started.

Despite everything I’ve been through with my leg, this was the procedure I’ve been dreading.

It actually wasn’t bad at all. It took them longer to set up than it did for them to complete the procedure.

They used X-rays and a dye to check the needle was in the right place, before pumping the shoulder joint full of a saline/steroid mix. I felt the needle as it was inserted and when it touched the joint; more of a dull throb than a pain though. Within minutes it was all done.

It feels better already, (though that could be the local anaesthetic dulling things down) and I’ve got a bit more movement in my arm too. I’ve to take it easy for the next 48 hours but after that, I’ve to crack on with the exercises I’ve been given to help improve range of motion and get things moving properly again.

I can’t wait to be able to properly shave my armpit again! :-)

DQ x

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