My day...

...started early with a phone call from our son’s neighbour, Mark. He said there was a tabby cat in the cat trap. He said it had a bit of white on it. Toby has white on his face ( maybe old age) but I didn’t think it would be him. Anyway we got up and dressed and went out into the subzero predawn to check on the occupant of the trap. wasn’t Toby or our son’s cat so we let the poor frightened feline go. We decided to take the trap in next door to our son’s place and set it up near to where Toby was last seen. Lucky our son and youngest boy were up so we didn’t disturb them too much.  

Next job was to take delivery of grandson Leo who was running in the district cross country event on top of Mt Panorama ( it is usually best known for its motor sport and car races). He had to be there to meet his teacher at 9.30 but wasn’t running until 11.30. I decided to go home as Leo had disappeared to play with his mates and you can’t see them running in cross country as they disappear for most of the race. I collected him in due course and then went off to join a School Strike for Climate Change event. There was only a small gathering here ( mainly because they didn’t advertise the event in time for many to attend). Our government has announced it is putting tax payer dollars into a new gas fired power station against the advice of climate activists around the world, his own team of energy consultants and economists who say it is a waste of money. 

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