Double Shot Mummy


Maple's feet

They look fantastic. The specialist said they are perfectly straight! She had her special boots fitted and will wear them until she grows out of them and that should be it! She can have 3-4 hours break a day :-) The shoes are just to maintain the shape and are not corrective at all. We are very pleased and also relieved that we made the right decision. As a treat for all her hard work, I bought her a lovely moisturiser and gave her a good massage. Oscar and Bailee are missing her casts but enjoying pulling the velcro up on her boots!

The boots take forever to put on; not easy with a restless, kicking baby. Please give me patience!

Maple is wearing one of Bailee's outfits today. So cute. We were on holiday in NZ when Bailee first wore it at 10 months old.

Great day today. I took all three to Apple Seeds in the afternoon. They had a good play. Oscar had a poo accident in the play area. I managed to catch him mid-poo and fold his shorts up so it didn't land on the floor. Maple was almost thrown at one of the staff (Very pleasant and helpful people), while I zoomed him off to change! He did his second wee on the toilet today. He has good control and holds it in for a very long time. He is not used to using a toilet but really wants to. We will get there.

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