Baby great tit

This baby great tit somehow ended up all alone in our back garden this afternoon while I was gardening. After much tweeting, the parents appeared, fed it, and managed to move it out of danger. As well as this lovely picture of the wee bird, we have some great video footage of one of the parents feeding it.

Earlier in the day, Mr hazelh and I took a walk through Holyrood Park to Duddingston Loch. We were hoping to see cygnets and/or goslings, but none could be found. When we came across a fox just along the road from the loch (see the extra), we wondered whether he had anything to do with our failed mission. 

I have enjoyed my day of virtually no work, a long morning walk, and an afternoon of gardening. Tonight we will watch the Eurovision song contest and wish that we were in the company of nadinepierce.

Exercise today: walking (~20,000 steps).

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