David's Pics

By davejournal

All Wise Ladies Collect Blue Coupons

Apologies if this has been done before but it was pointed out by my friend Susie.

In her words: "I thought about the Scottish expression of one's face being a "coupon" - as in "whit's wrang wi yer coupon, hen, swally a wasp?? - and that unwise ladies hingin' roond the end o' Queen Charlotte St in Leith on a cold day would easily enough acquire a blue coupon..."

You can see why she's a writer.

Anyway, I was intrigued by the advertising message underneath which looks like "Trousers, made to measure 12/-."

Or something.

I wonder if archaeologists years from now will scratch through the advertising messages of the past to find out more about us and will conclude that the wise ladies of our times had indeed collected the blue coupons...

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