Mr Pheasant

Today's the day ........................ for a party pooper

It's been such a lovely weekend with all the family here - especially as we reckoned the last time that happened was almost two years ago.

Despite the bad weather, we had a barbecue today - although it was only the cooking that was done outside (under cover).  It was much too cold and miserable to be outdoors for long.  But that didn't stop all the fun that went on inside.  There was lots of hide-and-seek (children), music, dancing, singing, chatting (adults) and a fair bit of drawing and colouring-in - including this one of Mr Pheasant.

Which brings me to the only thing that was missing from the weekend.  The actual Mr Pheasant was conspicuous by his absence.  He did not show up for the party, much to the disappointment of Dominic, who holds him in very high regard.  It's a complete mystery why he didn't turn up as usual - or indeed, what he was doing instead?

I've promised to give him a right telling off next time I see him ................... 

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