
By Murmuration

Next instalment

of our walk along the Fife Coastal Path, this time from Kingsbarns to Anstruther (or Anster as the locals call it). Lovely walk, almost entirely along the coast. Some interesting features, including Constantine's cave which is where King Constantine was murdered by the Danes (allegedly) in the ninth century. 
Passed through Crail (see extras)which is a lovely little fishing village with a quaint little tearoom, and then Cellardyke (more little fishing houses, some with interesting door knockers) until, after 12 miles, we reached Anstruther. This place is famous for its fish and chips and so we had to indulge, although it did involve queueing for 40 minutes to get them :(
Lots of wildlife on the way, stonechats, herons, eider, turnstone, shelduck and fulmar. Flo didn't exactly cover herself in glory as she ran into the sea and about half a mile down the beach chasing the eider, Mr M chasing behind her!!! 
On the way back we stopped for ice-cream in St Andrews, another 15 minutes in a queue, but worth it :)
Oh, by the way, the island you can see in the background is the Isle of May. We're hoping to get a boat there at the end of July.

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