Nothing is sacred

If its not James eating the treats in the cupboard, or having the last can of posh San Pelligrino fizzy pop, it's the cats trying to steal my dinner, my brews and in this case, seeing if there was any wine left.

Well, kitties, Mummy is having a shocker of a day so there is no chance that the wine would last long enough for you to even sniff it.

Last sleep till about 3.30 then got up at 7 to wake boy wonder for school. Went back to bed. And then managed 4 hours.

Have discovered a whole new level of pain, and gross symptoms that I am not even going to share, which lead me to think that there are other things going on. I need to ask the surgeon whether then are going to do any tests on the internal organs they are removing. I am intrigued to know if there is something else growing that no one has spotted. So, I have today spent most of the day on the sofa, largely unable to stand, with pain making it difficult to sit or lie down either. I have watch Bob Ross paint two magical landscapes, I have drunk a lot of tea and the only useful thing I have managed was to get tea cooked for the boys.

A bit of light relief via facebook has brought a smile to my face briefly, but really, right now, I know that I am right on the edge of slipping into the dark place.

10 more sleeps.

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