Day 428 Niobe

This rather splendid clematis grows in a large pot at the front of our house.  It has been there for a number of years although its performance each year is variable depending on how much rain we have and if it is dry, our remembering to water it.  This year, being unseasonably wet still it's doing rather well.  It is named after Niobe the tragic mother of Greek mythology whose seven sons and and seven daughters were slain by the gods after she bragged about them.  she begged Zeus to to end her pain and ceaseless tears and he obliged by turning her into a rock.  However legend says that even as a rock she continues to weep for all eternity.
In other news: I didn't get out for my walk because either Mr MC wasn't available or it was raining.  However I made up for it by getting through quite a bit of cleaning of the main bathroom and sitting room where I managed to incorporate some of the exercise moves that I'm supposed to do into the cleaning!

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