Choo Choo

Harp and the Jedi got to play with some friends at the park today. Harp had a blast . The jedi is now climbing up the play equipment that is for the big kids. He's going to give me a heart attack. 
The kids all had a lovely time together. I can't wait until harp starts nursery as it will do her so good. 

The Jedi is really enjoying playing with the trains and track and the hard Duplo bricks at the moment. It's good to see him start to play rather than being wreck it Ralph. 

Linc and Xander both got on fine at school and nursery. It's X's sport's day tomorrow, he's very excited. 

One of these day's I will get round to replying to your comments. But at the moment it's dinner, then straight in the bath for them. Thanks for all your recent stars etc. Have a lovely evening. X 

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