Music Man

This wildling has shortened my life span yet again. The bigger wildlings hadn't even left for school and nursery when there was a massive thump. Mr R heard it upstairs. The Jedi had fallen off the arm of the sofa and banged the back of his head. What a fright. He was so shocked and cuddled on my knee for such a long time. He wanted to nap. No way. So when the bigger ones left I got Carson in his waterproofs and took him a walk to see the lorries, then along the cycle path to go and get eggs. I did let him nap for a while when we got home. 

When he woke we had music time. The joy he gets from a guitar is awesome. 

Harp had a fantastic time at nursery and chatted and giggled most of the way home. The bigger boy's should have had their sport's day but the rain has been on and off so it was cancelled. The school made the right decision. The grass would have been wet. 

I saw the boys for a whole two minutes and then they went to play at the park on their bikes. They are liking this more freedom malarky. I need to get use to it. 

I'll have to double up on my painkillers tonight if I'm sleeping on the Jedi's floor. I reckon he has a mini concussion as he has been quieter than normal. 

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