
...for some sunshine - the pelargonium*, that is. One of the bargain bunch from Aldi, it's been coyly showing a glimpse of scarlet petals for several days now.

It's at an odd angle because I was fiddling around with the new wee camera (a necessary acquisition after the old one started cutting out on its display at the most incovenient moments) - it seems quite smart but I haven't yet figured out how to fiddle with the controls. I did well to get it to desist from what turned out to be a fish-eye option (very peculiar!).This was on some strange sort of auto setting, although it couldn't seem to focus on the flower head when it was in the centre of the frame. Oh well, I suppose I shall just have to RTFM. I shall first have to download TFM, because it doesn't come with the camera, of course.

*Ogatodomar always noticed if I spelt pelargonium correctly - usually not!

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