Stair rods

Another day indoors. I wonder if this first cold in over a year is having more of an impact because I’ve been wearing a face covering and not building up any immunity. In any event it has not shifted yet.

The cold and wet does not help. We had a good hour of solid drenching rain like stair rods. Surprisingly when I spoke to a friend in the west of Edinburgh they had not had anything similar. Must have been one of these localised downpours.

As I looked out of the window looking at the volume of water running off the roof and thinking that the solar panels would not be generating much today I wondered to what extent micro- generators in down pipes had been considered. They would work at night and whenever it rained and could supply some power to, say, a storage battery.

I’ve not looked into this online as I’ve spent the day, again, updating IT. As of tonight though, I feel considerable progress has been made. We’ll see in the next day or so if it holds.

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