The Fool On The Hill.

By Wryer


I swear I nearly lost some fingers due to taking photos tonight in the cold; if you put a decent amount of pressure on my fingers they would have probably snapped off. This time last year I already had sunburn, but this year I'm still wrapped up in several layers... I took this when Sam and I went out for a rollie near his house, and had to be compensated with tea when we got back because the snow puts me in a foul mood. But it's been a good day.

I hope the weather is pleasant enough tomorrow as I'm going to Hexham to purchase some birthday presents. It'll be nice to get out of Prudhoe for a change, I spend far too much of my time here. Also, tomorrow will be the four month mark for me and Sam - I know it's not very long at all but I've enjoyed every single second of being with him. I realise that I talk about him an awful lot, but I'm afraid I have no intention of stopping that. I'm finally content.

I'm off to have a nice hot bubble bath and read Harry Potter. Goodnight Blippers.


"Shell smashed, juices flowing, wings twitched, legs are going. Don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel."

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