The Fool On The Hill.

By Wryer

Band Stand.

I took this today at the band stand in Hexham, I went shopping for birthday presents, and it was quite a productive day.

It was really quite weird going back to this spot with Sam, as at the very beginning of November we were both there with our friends to see the fireworks. I may as well tell you the story of Sam and I; when I became friends with Charli and became a part of her group, I started to go out with them in the evening - and it just so happened that Sam was part of their group. I was asked to go out one night, so I met Charli and a few others in Prudhoe before we went to their friend's house, and as soon as I met them Sam started talking to me. Most of us got stoned and then I was outside having a tab when Sam came out and we started talking about the Beatles (winner). After that night we talked in school a lot, and we clicked from the start. Then, we went to see the firework display, and it was that night that it became exceedingly obvious that we liked each other. That night we stayed at our friend's house, and we were awake all night talking and getting to know each other more. I remember when I first started going round to his house, and we'd play on a Harry Potter game on a tiny little games console and watch Peep Show. Now Sam's house is my second home. A short while after that (on November 12th) he asked me out, and now we're very happy. So that's our story.


"Wide-eyed walker, do not wander, do not wander through the dawn."

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