3 Years!

Amazing, 3 years ago I got given the challenge by PCC
PCC to join her on the blip journey. I'm so glad I did although at times I have found it hard and other times a delight, always inspiring and heartwarming.

Thank you everybody who pops in, I love reading comments left and appreciate any stars and hearts that come my way. I really enjoy looking at your journals too.

I do hope in a small way I can inspire as others inspire me.

As the Blip following has grown in NZ it has been interesting being part of and hearing of blipmeets happening all the time, just recently several blippers from overseas have been travelling around NZ meeting fellow blippers as they go. so if you are planning a trip keep in touch.

If you are wondering how to do this sort of image it is done in photoshop in distort - liquify, a lot of fun!

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