
By dups

4 yrs of blipping!

We decided a great place to get creative would be on the West Coast! So off we set this morning from Wanaka not really knowing what blip would be created.!

Jackson's Bay was our ultimate destination for fish & chips as our supper, but all the time keeping a watch on the clock as the Haast Pass has been closing every evening due to repairs after the terrible slips that occurred a while ago, as usual on a photography trip we got through tonight just in time!
The dogs would not have been happy had we been stuck over there for the night!

As we got over to the coast drift wood came to the fore, so the first stop was down on the beach to get creative!
With a little help from my friends! Hubby & Belinda ( serpent) we managed to find drift wood to suit the blip. The four was a bit tricky and we all had a different idea how it should look! But in the end it was the drift wood that said the final word or should I say letter!
Lots of fun anyway. So here it is my FOUR YEARS done with no gaps, shall I carry on? Probably! See you tomorrow.!
Thank you to everybody that have taken the time to look in over the years and all the wonderful comments that you have left me to smile over.

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