The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

SPs and Heavenly Tweets

When I am lucky enough to leave work early, before I am lucky enough to arrive home early to see Bonnie and my girls and the pups, I often find myself visiting the Dowling Studio (a.k.a. The Yellow Room) within the Guthrie Theater. Situated nine stories above ground level and directly over the banks of the Mississippi River, the view is breathtaking and it helps me to leave the daily grind behind. Today I brought a tripod to memorialize my time in the solitude of this space. I guess technically this is an "SSP": A silhouette-self-portrait. It feels much different in large, if you have the time.

As I snaked my way along the river towards home, I heard the funniest story on the radio. As you all are undoubtedly aware, the Pick the Pope Party officially gets underway tomorrow morning. But apparently the Cardinals are too obsessed with Twitter and, hence, the Vatican has installed tweet and email-jamming devices to make sure that the process is "influenced only by silent prayers and reflection." The thought of having to technically block the Cardinals' access to Twitter whilst they are holed up selecting the next leader of the Catholic Church is just too ironic for truth. I thought most birds are supposed to tweet; how else are they expected to communicate?

I hoped they remember to block YouTube as well else the Cardinals may breakout into a Gangnam Style dance under the white puff of smoke. Or even worse, can you see them doing Funky Chicken?

Where is Monty Python when you need him?

This is my fifth installment in my Guthrie Series. Since it was steely and frigid outside today, I processed this in cold tone.

Please have a great Tuesday.

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