Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Mind where you put your feet...

I have a transport photo meeting tonight and the topic is 'No Longer Buses'.  My 25 images include this collection of three images (2 in extras).  I spotted this old coach in a field near Bicheno on the east coast of Tasmania, north of Hobart.  The owner was pootling about outside so I drove down to ask permission to take a pic.  He was delighted to allow me into his field and even offered to let me look around his home (pic 3).  I was about to get out of the car when he pushed to door shut and warned me, "Watch out for the Tiger Snakes, I've killed 12 this morning".  My main phobia - snakes!!!   

The coach is a 1960's Leyland Tiger from the UK and the coachwork was by a local Tasmania builder.  In bus world's it is both rare and attractive.  I suspect most Blippers might disagree.

My Zoom meeting starts at 7pm, I wonder if my viewers will agree?

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