One of those mornings spent spinning plates on the house refurb, nobody doing what they should be doing in the time they should be doing it, deciding without asking to divert from plan, resulting a fair amount of, shall we say, constructive firmness backed by a degree of snarling. Face it, you have to work hard to be quite that deliberately stupid.
Dog walk in the late afternoon. Lovely time and place. Udale Bay Nature Reserve. Far left horizon, Invergordon. Central horizon, Cromarty. Right hand horizon, Jemimaville. A swallow rising from the beach, not chasing insects, just lazily caressing the breeze and floating in circles. Ultra low spring tide. Very soggy sand on the shoreline, but note that it's firm if it has shells on it.
So, question: do I contemplate stress? Or do I stress contemplation. Answer: start with the first, end with the second. And follow with a large Talisker. Whisky optional of course. Other legal stimulants are available..
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