
By HeartFreek

A Cold Heart

Day 71

Well the weather appears to be the headline today.

After last night epic journey home, Mr W braved the elements to get to work today and called me about 15 miles out to say there wasn't a snowflake to be seen!! Yet, Im sitting here watching the wind blow the snow all over the garden. Its very pretty, especially when the sun shines, but Im not brave enough to go out in it yet. I need to get into town to finish off my 2 daughters birthday shopping before next week, and I have abandoned my car in a bus stop down the road, so really need to get the drive cleared and car moved!!!

This blip is my Heart Decoration buried in the snow, along with all the daffodils that foolishly blossomed!!! The eight of the Heart decoration can be seen here just to appreciate how deep the snow is!!!

But for now, the heating is back on, as are the slippers and jumper and here I shall stay till I decide what to do!!!!

Keep warm all!!


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