
By HeartFreek

Oh Snow, not again!

Day 70

I woke up to the sight of a blizzard out the bedroom window. We don't have curtains - the windows are too small! It was a beautiful sight, made even more lovely by the fact I was snugged up in a warm bed!

I hoped my work might have been cancelled, so emailed the office before wasting my time digging the car out, but they emailed back to say 'snow - what snow!!'

So, i went to work, braved the blizzards in minus 2 degrees then spent a mighty 3 hours getting home that should have only taken 1! amoungst the abandoned cars, traction control going mad and the back end constantly swinging out!!! I had blipped some Heart confetti from my mothers day gifts sprinkled in the snow, but I guessed a snap shot of my journey home was more appropriate for my daily journal!

Its 9.30pm and our snow nightmare might not yet be over as Daughter Number 1 is out in it right now, and may well need rescuing!!! Fingers crossed she gets home ok.

Day off tomorrow so no need to worrry!!!


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