By JAM28

Surprises And Choices

I’ve had two lovely surprises this week.
First Master M arrived on Tuesday evening for a visit (he left this morning) and then Miss M came home for a visit last night (she’s here til Sunday). Both visits were a complete surprise to me and it was a real joy to see them both.

Young Master M couldn’t come home because he has exams to revise for and course work to finish, but we had a FaceTime call with him yesterday, so I did get to see all my children on the same day!

Miss M offered to paint my toenails this afternoon. I’m a twice a year person - toes in the summer and fingernails at Christmas. That’s it. I’m very low maintenance.
So, I had this lovely choice of colours. I went for blue, just because I’ve never had blue nails before. Miss M did a very thorough job, with three coats and her nail lamp, so hopefully it will be on for a while. 
Looks like we’re in for a bit of summer sunshine soon so I’ll be able to show them off.

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