
By DonnaWanna

In The Middle Of A Dream

After all that rain things have really cooled down. When I got up at 5.45am this morning it was only 10c and it was freezing! I still headed to the rooftop garden for a cuppa with my pals and Jake spent the entire time shivering, I had to put a blanket over him in the end :o)

By the time we had our walk after breakfast and headed into the office it was a little warmer and after a couple of coffees it was just right.

I gave Jake a couple of new towels yesterday which he ignored completely. However in the chill of the morning this morning he was straight up onto his chair and wrapping himself up in the lovely snuggly new towels.

I heard him snoring a while later and glanced around at this scene and luckily managed to capture it! The tongue hanging out was the icing on the dog biscuit ::))

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