Winter has returned!

It started snowing again yesterday, and continued through the night and for most of today. It's also been very windy so we've had horizontal snow resulting in very deep snow drifts.

Luckily I went to the supermarket last night after work, so this morning I cancelled all my plans for today, other than my French lesson as I didn't want to have to drive anywhere. My French teacher comes to me at home, and I thought she might cancel, but she managed to get here. Before she came, I got my walking sticks out of the garage and went Nordic walking across the fields for an hour - I did about 4.5 kms and it was difficult in the thick snow, so my legs are aching now, but at least I had a good workout. I even got the snow shovel out and cleared a path to the front door, so that's saved Alan a job.

Then after lunch Louis and I went out to play in the snow. It's a good job he had his red coat on as he was waist deep in it! I took some lovely photos of him, and was undecided whether to blip Louis, but I chose this one as it really captures the blizzard. If you take a closer look you can see the snow falling.

Apparently the temperature is going to drop to -10 tonight so everywhere will be very icy tomorrow. It's unbelievable after the 17 degrees and sunshine we had a week ago, and whilst I love snow, even I'm fed up of it now and want the warmer weather!

Hope it's better where you are, and if you have the snow, stay warm and safe!

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