
By Marionb

Knee Deep in Weeds

Anything that is not a hosta or a lily in that blip is a WEED...I came back from the cottage yesterday to a very overgrown garden. A jungle. One big work project staring me in the face. I needed a blip for today but I needed a shovel more, so no hurrying down to the lake for a fabulous sunset or anything. This is my blip. I could have chosen my beautiful allium against lime green ferns..ferns which by the way are shoulder height now - on me, not on a heron garden ornament! Or a close-up of lilacs outside my living room window - which I opened to let in that lovely lilac fragrance...or overgrown bushes dripping with bleeding hearts..or my bridal-wreath spirea drooping under the weight of all those white blossoms.. or a close-up of anything as long as it was a close-up!  But that would fool you into thinking my garden was lovely and landscaped, tidy and in control. NOT.  It is a hodge lodge of whatever feels like growing out there and right now it is smothered in weeds. So no long shots today.... I will do what I can while I am home to free up the plants that can barely breathe at the moment, but will return to the cottage again in a week or so and let the garden go wild again. Summer is short here and every moment up north is special. I guess I could try to hire someone to come and pull weeds.. or perhaps I could just learn to live with it, and call it a "woodland" garden? 

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