Can You See Me Now?
Really cool this morning, but I went out on the deck anyway to sit in the very early morning sun, do the Sunday crossword, sip coffee and watch the birds. I armed myself with one of my lap quilts just in case warmth was needed...It was.
The bird action was centred mostly on the birdhouse hanging from the carport roof. The babies were chirping up a storm and the two parents were taking turns bringing breakfast to the nest...tag team style. As one left, the other arrived. I seemed to be sitting right in the flight path of one of them. When I first sat down, it had swooped down from behind me, almost touching my head, and whipped over to drop off some goodies at the birdhouse and then, swooped back straight at me, barely missing my head again! Like, what's with THAT? And it was not a one-off; that bird kept doing that, swooping between me and the bush right beside me - only an arm's length away... Very strange. Was I invisible? Could he not see me?
Then it dawned on me - maybe I was..invisible, that is. Well, not really invisible but at least camouflaged? The only colours in the garden right now are pink and green..and so is my quilt...hmmmm. Fooled the squirrel too - almost gave him a heart attack when he ran over my feet before realizing I was there. Anyway - it was a whole new take on camouflage gear - and an entertaining start to the day.
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