The benefits of...

driving through the countryside for a living.
Today's deliveries took me through miles of icy country roads where the snow covered the ditches on each side and the drive was slow and scary. I was very careful but I still skidded a couple of times. I felt a lot better about it though when I spotted these beauties in a field near the road. Of course I stopped and once again scrambled through undergrowth - a necessity for a blip-deer-photo-stalker! Just as I broke through the brambles to the field, I startled an innocent pheasant out enjoying the morning sun, sending him flying desperately off, squawking in terror and indignation. It was a special treat for me though as I love pheasants and he was so close! I wasn't quick enough to blip him but I blipped the deer, and drove off. Very successful day's work when you get a blip and close encounter with a pheasant into the bargain! :-)

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